6th Grade Health
Welcome to 6th Health 
Welcome to Mrs. Fithen's 6th grade health class for the 2023-24 school year. The goal of this program is to explore in depth topics that impact student physical, social and emotional health such as decision making, goal setting, drugs/alcohol/vaping dangers and communicable/non-communicable diseases. A variety of assessments will be utilized such as guided notes, individual and group projects. Assignments with supportive materials will be posted via Google classroom including teacher notes.
As part of the 6th grade health curriculum, Officer Edwards will be presenting the LEADS program every Tuesday during class. The lessons that he will be presenting are in alignment with the NJ Core Content Standards for 6th grade health. Also, as part of the 6th grade curriculum, students will be take part in the Lifeline's Prevention program. Parents/guardians should have received information in the welcoming back packet with more specific information.
I always feel that it is imperative to keep the lines of communication open for the success of my students. If there is ever a time a student is struggling or not understanding an assignment, I am always available to meet with students during the Academic Enrichment period in school. I do not want students to become frustrated or overwhelmed with any assignment. I encourage parents and students to check PowerSchool and Google classes on a consistent bases for progress.
Please feel free to contact me with any concerns at [email protected].