Welcome Second Grade Families!

Welcome to November in Second Grade, Families!
As readers, we are continuing to read new and tricky words by practicing all of the decoding strategies we have been introduced to.  As writers, we are continuing to work hard while writing and editing our small moments.  Our goal is to revise and publish our personal narrative story and turn it into a book for others to read in our classroom.
In Math, we will be finishing and assessing Unit 2.  We will move onto Unit 3 and learn more about Fact Strategies, while building upon the skills we learned in Unit 2.
In Science and Social Studies, we will continue our Plants Unit and also address holidays such as Election Day, Veteran's Day, and Thanksgiving.  
Conferences will be on Thursday, November 17 and Monday, November 21.  please make sure you are scheduled for a conference.  I look forward to meeting with you to discuss your child's progress thus far in the academic school year.